2019 Ag Day at the Huntington Co Fairgrounds
Hat Tip Purdue Extension Office
April 9th 2019
Huntington Co. Fairgrounds
Huntington County Ag Day was held April 9. Third grade students from public, private, and home schools in Huntington County will participate in this event at the Huntington County Fairgrounds. Farmers and agricultural professionals volunteer their time and talents to make this program a success.
The Huntington County Extension Office coordinates an Ag Day event each spring to educate third grade students about agriculture. There are twelve learning stations on topics involving animal agriculture, crops, soils, and machinery. Every child attending the program receives an activity book and other educational items donated by area businesses and agricultural commodity organizations.
The material presented incorporates academic standards to allow teaching this educational program outside the traditional classroom. Approximately 40 volunteers will be assist Purdue Extension staff with teaching the students.
Many people living in Huntington County work on farms or have careers that involve agriculture. These jobs include production agriculture, farm inputs, processing and marketing and wholesale and retail sales. According to the most recent Indiana Ag Statistics Report (2016), Huntington County farms generated $153,061,000 in annual crop and livestock income. Huntington County ranks 23rd out of 92 Indiana counties for cash farm receipts.
There are definitely opportunities for young people seeking employment in agriculture. Purdue University’s College of Agriculture awarded bachelor’s degrees to 545 students in May 2018. Ninety-seven percent of reporting graduates stated they were employed or continuing their education as of January 2019. The average starting salary reported by graduates earning a Purdue bachelors’ degree in May 2018 was $45,570.
Communities celebrate Ag Day across the U.S. in many different ways. The intent of every county Ag Day is to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. The National Ag Day Web site provides more details (http://www.agday.org ).