Crowds gather at Huntington's Elmwood Park and ride for Alzheimer's Awareness.

August 4, 2019
Elmwood Park
Huntington In
Hat Tip The Dens Mandy Riggers
The 7th annual Ride 2 Remember kicked off on Saturday, August 3rd, 2019, at Elmwood Park in Huntington, Indiana. With 78 registered participants and countless volunteers, the event was considered a success by founder Tommy Johnson. With the main bike event throughout the city; games, a scavenger hunt, awards and even a coney eating contest all made Alzheimer's awareness the forefront of the day.
Jannie Belle Johnson was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and then placed in assisted living in 2011. Her son Tommy found a way to keep her active by constructing a special bicycle that would allow her to go on rides with him. During one of their rides, she innocently asked him why his friends didn't join them on rides. Tommy, with the help of his friends and family, began what has now become an Alzheimer's awareness event.
Eighteen trophies were award at this year's ride. The coveted Best Over All, Jannie Belle Award was given to Ray Brewer. Four bicycles and many door prizes were given away to participants. Event sponsors include Hickory Creek Nursing Home and Century 21 Carl Mygrant. Prize sponsors include Jane and Scott Hughes, Maria and Danny Chinelli, Jeff and Amber Mellinger and Sports Bar Andrews. Food was provided by volunteers and the community, including pizzas from Little Caesar's Huntington.
One of the event coordinators, Kim Johnson Lee hopes to see awareness within the community expanding in the years to come. Along with all the Johnson family, Kim and Tommy look forward to Ride 2 Remember 2020, hopefully with the help of additional sponsors. Alzheimer's awareness could become more widespread by riding to remember those we've lost and those who can no longer remember on their own.

Enjoy these sneak peek photos, the full photo album will be posted the evening of 8-4-2019 at Greenbear Photography on Facebook. All videos in The Den may be copied and all photos on facebook may be downloaded, tagged or shared free of charge courtesy of Greenbear The Den.
Enjoy these sneak peek photos, the full photo album will be posted the evening of 8-4-2019 at Greenbear Photography on Facebook. All videos in The Den may be copied and all photos on facebook may be downloaded, tagged or shared free of charge courtesy of Greenbear The Den.
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