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HNHS Announces Salutatorian-Valedictorian and Teacher of the Year.


Crosley Stanley, Evan Hill and Mrs. Jan Hildebrand earn Huntington North Honors

April 17th 2019

Huntington Indiana

Huntington North High School

Crosley Stanley with her parents Raymond and Jodie Stanley

Hat Tip Dr. Russ Degitz


Crosley Stanley, as the Salutatorian for the Class of 2019 at Huntington North High School. Crosley is the youngest child of Raymond and Jodie Stanley who are here with us today to celebrate this special time in Crosley's life. Her 2 older siblings are Brayden Stanley who graduated in 2017 and is 20 years old and currently working construction with Davis Construction and Alexandra Stanley who graduated in 2013 and is 24 years old and is a 2nd grade teacher in Southern Wells School District.

Crosley is an excellent student. She holds a current grade point average of 11.5660 on an 11.0 scale. She will finish her high school career

having taken 5 Advanced Placement Classes and 7 dual credit classes. Crosley is pursuing an Academic Honors and a Technical Honors diploma. She has been in the Top 25 all 4 years and she is a member of the National Honor Society. She is pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering at Purdue University where she was accepted into their Engineering program and plans to attend in the Fall of 2019.

Crosley is not only an excellent student but she has also been involved in a number of activities in our school and our community. At Huntington North she has been a 3 sport athlete for all 4 years she has attended the high school. She was on the varsity golf team where their team won 2 sectional titles and one conference title and she was also a team leader as a senior. She was on the varsity Tennis team and then she was also on the Varsity Swimming team for 4 years where she was

a co-captain for the past 2 years and she was named NISCA All­ American. She was a Scholar Athlete for 4 years for Huntington North and was the Channel 21Scholar Athlete. Crosley helped as a volunteer tutor for the Math department during Home Room. She was a member

of Class Council for 4 years where she held the office of Secretary for 1 year and Treasurer another. She was a member of Student Council for

1year. She has been a member of the German Club for 2 years and is currently in the midst of testing for the Apple Test which is the test that upper level World Language students can take to be determined as Bilingual. Crosley was also a Junior Rotarian. She has been a member of Sources of Strength this year and was on the Prom Committee as a junior. She has also participated in Operation Impact where she has impacted young lives by meeting with elementary age students and encouraging them to make good choices.

Outside of school Crosley is a 10 year 4-H member and has volunteered at Heritage Pointe. She has also volunteered for the Red Cross Blood Drive and she has been a Homier Ball Park employee for the past 4 summers.

Crosley has the unique personality of being competitive and yet very calm and composed at the same time. She has a very positive outlook on life which I believe is what gets her through the more challenging times,tn=f:ife. She always believes that things will work out and if they don't, she is confident that she can adapt to her new situation. It was interesting when I asked her what she thought her strengths were. She said she has a positive outlook and she is a good problem solver. Personally,I believe those 2 characteristics go hand and hand. It is hard to be a good problem solver without having the positive outlook. But she also said whenever her mom sees students that attend the high school, she likes to ask them if they know Crosley and most of the time they say yes. Then they add that she is "smart and nice." I thought that was kind of cute. Crosley is a very kind and caring individual who has great people skills (not often found in a11 engineers.) However that

combination of skills will take her far. Crosley is a very easy person to be around. She is pleasant to talk to, she is confident and always


composed, and4 she is always very humble. I have thoroughly enjoyed

being Crosley's Guidance Counselor and I am so looking forward to what lies ahead for her.

Evan the son of Mary Beth and Doug Hill

Class of 2019 Valedictorian Evan Hill

Evan is the son of Doug and Mary Beth Hill, who are joining us today to celebrate this achievement. As I was starting to prepare for our celebration this

morning,I kept thinking about how Evan has been the epitome of letting his work be the explanation of his success. He is not the student who will brag about everything he has accomplished, even though he has made some great achievements since his freshman year. I have known Evan for almost four years now,and every year I am happy to report I have gotten him to talk more and more-probably the most this year!! My accomplishment aside, it has been a pleasure to be able to work with Evan throughout his high school career and there is no doubt he is very deserving to be ranked first

among his peers.

Evan will graduate from Huntington North with both Academic and Technical Honors. Evan's participation in our PLTW Engineering courses since his freshman year,helped him receive the Technical Honors Designation. He is finishing up his senior year in the capstone class,Engineering Design and Development. It is great to see how this series of classes helped Evan see what his future in Engineering could look like.

Academically,Evan entered the last 9 weeks of his senior year with a GPA of 11.6415 on the 11.0 scale. Upon graduation,Evan will have taken 5 AP courses, 11dual credit courses equaling out to 41college credits,and 4 honors courses. Within that rigorous course load, Evan has never gotten any grade below an A-more impressive is that he has never gotten below an A in any course he has earned for high school credit. We congratulate you, Evan,for all of your hard work and determination that has brought

you to this point in your academic career.

Each year that I have been granted this opportunity to honor a student at this breakfast, I have asked my student to talk about a class/teacher/moment that has stood out

among the others-something that they will take with them as a memory from Huntington North. Well,circling back to getting Evan to talk more this year...he responded with he really enjoyed his Physics I Class. Now, that doesn't tell us too much but I think it may be more fun to just leave that open to interpretation,especially for you,Mr. V. What I can say to elaborate on this, is that when I have seen Evan in class,I see a student who is engaged and enjoys working with his peers to come up with

answers to the questions they are asked. He works hard, has an intelligent mind, and he does well, but he still knows how to make it fun-1 have to say, I think his teachers have helped foster that mentality as well, so thank you for helping Evan grow every year

while at Huntington North.

A student has a choice to be involved; to try to make an impact on those around them. Evan has been active both here at school and in his community. At school,Evan has participated in Wrestling for 3 years and Football all 4 years. He is a Scholar Athlete, he has been part of the Top 25 of the Class of 2019 since his freshman year, National Honor Society member,and was involved in Football Leadership. As a senior,Evan also participated in our Freshman Orientation program as a Freshman Mentor. Evan has taken the opportunity to be an amazing role model and set a good example for our future students at Huntington North High School.

In the community,Evan has been equally active. He has been a member of 4-H for 10 years, and participates with the Mt. Etna United Methodist Youth Group. Both groups have allowed Evan to participate in multiple service based activities to help our community in positive ways. Evan also has volunteered at the Warren Community Garden and the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Warren. These experiences have helped Evan to grow and mature into the young man he is today.

So what is next? Evan has made the decision-a good one,I might attend Purdue University this coming fall. At Purdue, Evan will major in Engineering and hopes to work in the field of Electrical Engineering after he graduates. I am sure that Evan will continue to find great success as he enters the collegiate world. I am also sure that he will continue his journey by letting his work be the measure of his success. He will work hard,he will work smart,and he will benefit greatly!

Evan,we are extremely proud of the work you have put in over the past four years, and we know that it wasn't always easy. Your example will make an impact on those around you, and will last forever at Huntington North. You are ready to go out into the world and do amazing things!

2019 HNHS Teacher of the Year Mrs. Jan Hildebrand

2019 Huntington County Community School Corporation Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Hildebrand demonstrates all of the characteristics and qualities that the finest of educators always do. She is student-centered, a tireless worker, and she models excellence in all facets of her work. She is a highly respected member of our staff and is a building leader in numerous ways.

I will start by discussing what Mrs. Hildebrand does with students because that is where she starts everything as well. Unequivocally, Mrs. Hildebrand’s first concern is always doing what is in the best interest of her students. She goes above and beyond what is expected to help her students be successful, not only in her own course, but in all of their courses. She is constantly checking grades for students in her homeroom and other courses and then follows up by investing time, energy, and effort to help them be poised for success.

Like so many other teachers in our building that are called to serve as educators, Mrs. Hildebrand genuinely cares about her students. She respects each one of them, and in return, they respect her. As an illustration of this, I offer the progression of a program that Mrs. Hildebrand took from initial development to a high level of success. Mrs. Hildebrand started a Human and Social Services Program at Huntington North High School during the 2017-2018 school year. The year before, she spent countless hours preparing, planning, and promoting the program. The program has truly thrived since then, illustrated by the fact that she has drawn multiple students from another school district to attend Huntington North in order to participate! She also has quickly established a great reputation for the program in the Huntington community, evidenced by the many partnerships she created for her students to benefit from.

In addition to serving students well, Mrs. Hildebrand is committed to serving colleagues also. She is always willing to go the extra mile to help fellow staff members take care of whatever is needed. The Family and Consumer Sciences Department created a unique learning environment for their students a few years ago: a “farm to fork” garden in one of our building’s courtyards. Mrs. Hildebrand was a key teacher-leader for this project, taking ownership of it by completing summer maintenance, securing grant funding, and developing lessons to utilize the harvest from the garden. She also is a member of a national FACS organization (AAFCS), helping the staff in her department stay updated regarding legislation, events, and other changes that may impact her courses and department.

In addition to serving students and staff, Mrs. Hildebrand selflessly serves our entire school and the Huntington community. She is truly one of the most dedicated teachers in our building…one of the first to arrive each morning and one of the last to leave in the evening. Additionally, she often works at school on weekends and is usually found at school multiple times during breaks. Her dedication to giving her students the best she has to offer drives her in this area. She is an avid supporter of our extracurricular activity groups, clubs, and Viking athletes. She spends many evenings and weekends attending athletic events, performances, fundraising events, and competitions.

Mrs. Hildebrand always seems willing to step in and address a need. For example, the students in her Human and Social Services Program have helped with major school-community partnership efforts the last two years. Under her direction and guidance, these students have organized and coordinated fundraisers for our United Way campaign and American Cancer Society Relay for Life event. Additionally, her students helped tutor and supervise students at the local Boys and Girls Club during eLearning days that our district implemented this school year. After the district’s first ever eLearning day, it was learned that the club was overwhelmed with younger students needing assistance. Mrs. Hildebrand developed an idea for her high school students, who are preparing for a potential career serving others through nonprofit organizations, to assist in this manner as tutors and supervisors at the club.


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