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Honoring the Gentle Giant


The 3rd Annual Lucas Grube Memorial Wrestling Invitational


Huntington In***

Crestview Middle School***

By The Den's Brenda Brittsan

The 3rd Annual Lucas Grube Memorial Wrestling Invitational will be held at the

Crestview Middle School on February 23, 2019 beginning at 8 am.

Lucas's Tree at Crestview Middle School

Lucas Grube #77

Lucas Grube was the first of three children born to Shiloh and Angie Grube. He has a brother, Matthew and a sister, Abby. Lucas made friends very easily everywhere he went. He was incredibly kind, a very bright soul, but yet quiet and didn’t like attention. He was very motivated. He was “larger than life and always a big kid”. His family and friends gave him the nickname, ”The Gentle Giant”. He loved Football, Wrestling, Video Games, Academic Super Bowl, Band, Track, Art Class, Spending time with Matthew and Abby, his family and friends. He was involved with the Jr. National Honor Society, He was The Kiwanis Boy of the Year, and He was Captain of the Math Team.

Right before Lucas went into the Eighth grade, he took the A.C.T. test. He surprised everyone including himself and scored a whopping 32 out of 36! He was getting many letters in the mail from so many private boarding schools, it was unbelievable! He finally settled on Culver Academy School in Culver, IN. with a full tuition scholarship.

But Lucas never got the chance to fulfill any of his dreams. Lucas sadly passed away on June 8,2016 of a Heat Stroke.

Matthew and Abby used to compete with each other to be able to spend time with Lucas, Matthew loves video games and Abby loves basketball and soccer. Now Angie says it’s pretty interesting to see how they function with each other since Lucas is no longer here. Matthew has no interest in athletics what-so-ever, but he will go out and shoot some hoops with Abby or play soccer with her because that is what Lucas used to do. Abby has no interest in video games, but she will sit with him and play video games and listen to his critiques of her because that’s what Lucas would do. This is one of the ways that they keep their brother’s memory alive.

Lucas Grube’s legacy continues to live on in so many ways. “The outpouring of love and respect from the Crestview Community has been so overwhelming. It began the moment people found out that he had passed away. The amount of phone calls, the texts, and people stopping by our house and saying what an inspirational kid he was and how he has touched their lives in a way I never would have known. Whether it be teachers, other kids, neighbors,” Angie states.

The many things that people have done in his honor since he has passed is just amazing. A Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive, A Trivia Night for the Scholarship, etc. His memory lives on through this Scholarship, this Wrestling Invitational and The Crestview Cougars School System.

Lucas Grube Bio Provided by his family.

Lucas Grube was born on April 6, 2002, to Angie and Shiloh Grube in Huntington, Indiana. He passed away on June 8, 2016. In his short life, Lucas was able to make an incredible and memorable impact on so many including his younger brother and sister, his friends, and our community of Huntington.

Lucas attended Crestview Middle School from 2013 – 2016. While at Crestview, Lucas played football, wrestled, and was part of the track team throwing discus and shot put. During Lucas’s 8th grade year, he won his weight class at the Northeast Lakes Middle School Conference. Besides being an athlete, Lucas was competitive in the academic arena as well. Lucas was a member and captain of the CMS Academic Super Bowl Team. He was the Student of the Year during his 6th grade year, he was honored by the Metro Kiwanis as the 2015 – 16 Boy of the Year, and he was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society in the Spring of 2016.

Lucas’s drive led him to pursue an outstanding educational opportunity in the Fall of 2015 as he applied to Culver Academies in Culver, Indiana. He was accepted into Culver in February 2016 and was a finalist for the Frank Batten full-tuition scholarship. Lucas was set to play football and wrestle for the Culver Eagles during his freshman year.

Although Lucas’s life ended too soon, his memory and legacy live on through a memorial scholarship and this outstanding sporting event.



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