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Special Olympics at HNHS Draws Hundreds



Huntington In***

Huntington North High School***

All photos may be downloaded, tagged or shared free of charge courtesy of Robert W Gonser Harrell & Kline Insurance & Investments

The 12th Annual Special Olympics Basketball tournament hosted at Huntington North High

School. This years tournament saw 43 teams participating from 16 counties and 500 athletes. Huntington County had 4 teams, 3 of them were 5 x 5 teams, one was 3 x 3. The Vikings 5 x 5 Masters Division received gold (1st place) the 3 x 3 Huntington Panthers received gold (1st place) and other two teams received 3rd place.

Nancy and Keith Hartley are the County Coordinators for Special Olympics overseeing 75 to 80 volunteers from the area.

Knights of Columbus in Huntington helped in the concession stand, along with parents of the Special Olympics athletes.

Mayor Brooks Fetters spoke during opening ceremonies along with Asst Superintendent of HCCSC, Chad Daugherty. Herb Scott and the Boys Scouts to presented the colors Lisa Loza and daughter, Hadlee Mertz, beautifully sang the National Anthem.

The full album will be posted 2-6-2019 at Greenbear Photography on facebook.

All photos may be downloaded, tagged or shared free of charge courtesy of Robert W Gonser Harrell & Kline Insurance & Investments


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