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Special Olympics dazzles at HNHS Halftime



Huntington In---

Huntington North High School---

Special Olympics Night at Huntington North HS, go to Greenbear Photography on Facebook for the full album. All photos may be downloaded, tagged or shared free of charge courtesy of DeLaney, Hartburg, Roth & Garrott LLP

By The Den's Mike Rice

Those in attendance at Saturday's Huntington North Viking basketball game were given a special treat at halftime as members of the Huntington Special Olympics took part in a "game within the game".

With the court lined with cheering HNHS students, Team Red broke out to an early 8 point lead behind the shooting of Jacob Sprinkle.

Halfway through the 10 minute battle, Team Black would begin to climb back into it. 

Austin Tarr and Truby Parker fueled Team Black's rally. Tarr would drop in two baskets and Parker would torch the net from behind the arc for a 3 pointer.

Not to be outdone, Team Red's Zack Wilcox would light the fuse of his own 3 bomb and Matthew Hartley would push two balls through the twine to help stave off Team Black's rally.

Team Red wrapped up a 15 to 11 victory behind 4 points from Sprinkle and Hartley, 3 points from Wilcox and 2 points each from Shae Thomas and Angel Sheppard.

Team Black was led by Tarr's 4 points, 3 from Parker and 2 from Brian Niverson and Darin Thomas.

Huntington will play host to a massive Special Olympic tourney on February 2nd. The event will feature a 3 on 3 tourney, skills competitions and 5 on games. Teams from all over northeastern Indiana will be represented.

Opening ceremonies begin at 9:00 am, with the skills competitions and games to begin at 9:30. All events take place at Huntington North High School.

The full album will be posted at Greenbear Photography on facebook 1-28-2019 courtesy of DeLaney, Hartburg, Roth & Garrott LLP

Other members of the Huntington program are: 

John McCormack

Zackery Arivett

Christian Smith

Nick McKoon

RYan THomas

Libby Quakenbush

Nickolas Gunsolus

Logan Mealer

Joey Johnson

Autumn Hartford-Davis

Angel SHeppard

Sabrina Hart

Rebecca Paolillo

Scott ROberts

Shae Thomas

Jodie Scher

Hope Nelson

Amanda Bratch

Drew Cook

Chrissy Canvin

Luke Wood

Paul CHapman

Zeke Comer

Brian Farrell

TOm Marshall

Alexis Smith

Marcie Sommers

Coaches are:

Markus CLancy

Matt Alt

Tracy Johnson

Jorden Bieber

Reagan Harvey

Lindsay Hunt

Laney Marshall

Adam Bonner

Melissa McCord

Corey Phillips


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