Start Location: Schenkel Station at 1pm

April 23rd 2019***
Huntington In***
TAPS Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bicycle Ride
In honor of our Vietnam Veterans, please join us for an afternoon of bicycling, fun, and fellowship on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at one o’clock in the afternoon.
Entry Fee: $25. | Sunday April 28th @1:00pm | Schenkel Station 11 W State St. Huntington In 46750
This is our third year hosting this event, and like wine, it only gets better with age! This year we will have shirts. You asked for them and we will guarantee to have them to all who register before midnight on April 14th. We will also have a Port-o-Pot at the SAG half way thru the 50-mile course.
Riders of all ages and experience are welcome as we offer 5 different routes through the beautiful neighborhoods that comprise the City of Huntington. Routes of 4 miles, 4.5 miles, 5 miles, and 10 miles are well marked and easy to follow. Younger riders, families, and anyone looking for a more relaxed pace and distance are encouraged to explore one of the new HARTA trails.
Back by popular demand we will have the 50-mile course designed by Master Cyclist Chris Bucher of Trailhouse Village Bicycles. This ride is perfect for those of you who want to escape the city and see what Huntington County has to offer. This course will work its way from the downtown area to Roanoke, across the southern part of the county, over the Huntington Reservoir to Andrews. From there it will cross the Wabash River and head north to the challenging hills of the Wabash River Valley before returning to the City of Huntington. New to this year’s route is a stop at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial located in Veterans Memorial Park. Come see the TAPS bronze statue that was made possible in part by your support of this ride.
About TAPS
Hospital Corpsman First Class Petty Officer Thomas Aquinas Parker, a Huntington native born on December 31, 1937, was a US Navy Corpsman assigned to Marine Air Group 36, 1st Medical Battalion, 1st Marine Division.
On April 5, 1967, HM1 Parker was assigned to a UH1E “Huey” medical evacuation helicopter supporting Operation DeSoto, Southeast of Nui Dang Hill, Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam. While hovering over the landing zone, the Huey on which Parker was riding was hit by enemy fire and exploded.
According to witnesses HM1 Parker died of wounds sustained in the explosion of the aircraft. A Navy account of the incident states that an extensive search of the area was made and his remains could not be recovered. Parker is the only American missing on April 5, 1967.
This monument is dedicated to the men and women who honorably served their country in South Vietnam, especially those who never came home. You will not be forgotten.
Dedicated on November 11, 2017
Semper Fidelis
